HPE is a worldwide ICT technology Company. HPE is committed to realize innovative technologies and services, to help consumers, companies and public authorities to cope with daily challenges and issues, thus contributing to achieve their goals and expectations. HPE’s offering focuses on ICT infrastructure and services. Founded in 1939 in Palo Alto, California, where its headquarters are, HPE is present in more than 170 countries, across six continents. HPE has been operating in Europe since 1959, with the opening of its first manufacturing facility outside Palo Alto, California, at Böblingen, near Stuttgart, Germany. From the outset, HPE has been a stakeholder in Europe. HPE-IIC (Italy Innovation Center) is one of HPE's European Innovation Centers, and is part of HPE Technology Consulting business unit. Since 1999, it is carrying on applied research, technology transfer and innovative solutions integration in leading edge areas. It can rely upon an excellence level team of researchers, consolidated skills and methodologies, and a physical lab-grade infrastructure supporting project development and demonstration. Big Data are one of the technology areas where IIC is growing its expertise and assets. HPE-IIC researchers have often fulfilled in the projects roles of technical leadership and have multiple tracks as work package leaders. In particular, HPE-IIC researchers often led work packages coping with design and integration. These activities strongly fit the consulting and integration background coming from the HPE-IIC position in HPE organization.